Translation work is not yet Emma Handson’s biggest business. But, if it were up to Marlissa van der Kamp, that could change. On behalf of IT4Kids, Marlissa works together with Emma Handson for translations and now, also for editing. “We are very satisfied”.

“Emma Handson is very quick and communicates clearly.”

Sustainable (sporting) opportunities for children

IT4Kids is a foundation that collects old hardware from companies. The value of the hardware is donated to provide sporting opportunities for children in the Netherlands who otherwise would not be able to play sports due to financial or physical barriers. And there are quite a few of them, says Marlissa, who works as a freelancer for IT4Kids. “People sometimes forget that, that quiet poverty. On average, 1 in 8 children in the Netherlands do not have the financial means to play sports. That is a serious problem.” That is why IT4Kids is committed to these children. Marlissa explains: “We are an innovative fundraising organisation, which, in cooperation with its partners, ensures that a child growing up in poverty has an opportunity to, for example, join a football club and is able to play sports.”

Flawless translations

IT4Kids approached Emma Handson in 2020. Marlissa explains: “We were going through a process of professionalisation and wanted to include communication in English, as we have English speaking business relations both in the Netherlands and abroad. We first worked with another agency, but when we got our texts back, it turned out that there were quite a few errors. So, we started looking further and found Emma Handson via Google.”

Newsletter, website and policy documents

Luckily, the services provided by Emma Handson were well received and the work continues and has also significantly expanded. Marlissa says: “Initially we asked you to translate a newsletter into English. After that, we also asked if you could edit texts. A whole new website was launched and Emma Handson edited, translated and reviewed the website text. You also edit policy documents and annual reports to make sure that everything looks good. Emma Handson has helped us with quite a few assignments.”

Pleasant communication

What makes working with Emma Handson so enjoyable? Marlissa explains: “We are simply very satisfied. It began with the first meeting. Thanks to a video call, I could immediately put a face to the company. You do not always see that, and I thought it very pleasant. The collaboration is great. Sometimes I am very last minute; something suddenly needs to get done. You act very quickly and communicate clearly. You always indicate when I can expect to receive something back and are almost always quicker to do so.

Contextually strong

Marlissa continues: “I feel like there are very direct lines of communication. I can rely on you. This also applies to the editing services; thanks to your suggestions on policy documents or annual reports, we are able to think about how something could be done better or worded differently. You look at things from a different angle and that is great.”

Contact Emma for text and language

Emma Handson is proud to work for a great organisation like IT4Kids. And, it is even better when that organisation is also happy with us. Would Marlissa recommend us to others? “Definitely. I look to you for my other clients, but I would also recommend you to other people or companies who are looking for a company that is good with text and language. I can say with confidence: you can go to Emma for that!”

Emma Handson works with native speakers especially for translation work. Would you like a perfect English or German translation without mistakes? Contact us via, (073) 747 00 54 or click here for more information.

Translation work is not yet Emma Handson’s biggest business. But, if it were up to Marlissa van der Kamp, that could change. On behalf of IT4Kids, Marlissa works together with Emma Handson for translations and now, also for editing. “We are very satisfied”. “Emma Handson is very quick and communicates clearly.” Sustainable (sporting) opportunities for children IT4Kids is a foundation ...

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