Algemeen Bestuursbureau voor Pensioenfondsen, or ABB for short, offers support for pension funds in all aspects. The administrative office supports administrative bodies or supplements the services of existing pension offices. This includes providing insight into the pension sector. ABB specialises in pension administration and assists with the preparation, implementation and monitoring of pension funds. In order to support the growing number of customers, ABB uses a flexible workforce.

“Emma Handson has a lot of knowledge about pensions.”

Chrisje Wijdeven, management consultant at ABB, sought the support from Emma Handson. How did she end up here? “That is a good question. A client of ours was already working with Emma Handson before we started working with the client. We knew that the partnership was going well and that Emma Handson specialises in taking minutes for pension funds. We then extended the minutes services to our other clients.”

Time‑saving and accurate

Andrea Wagenaars is a secretarial assistant at ABB and supports Chrisje. She explains: “Chrisje used to take the minutes herself. But, of course, taking minutes at a meeting you participate in yourself is not optimal. I always read the minutes carefully afterwards, even though I am not quite into the content. Emma Handson saves time and ensures accuracy. Now, we receive the minutes within five working days and can get to work immediately.”

Pension knowledge a big advantage

Subsequently, ABB asked Emma Handson to assist with more tasks. Chrisje explains: “In the minutes we noticed that the staff at Emma Handson have a lot of knowledge about pensions. They know the field that they are working in and the material that they have to work with. That was a big advantage for us. That is why we asked Emma Handson to support us.”

Secretarial and professional support

Chrisje explains that she was looking for someone who could provide the organisation with a wide range of support. “We needed support in two areas and we deployed someone from Emma Handson for both. Marlon takes care of the secretarial support. She makes sure our schedules are right, that all appointments are correctly entered into the agenda and that the archive for new clients is in order. Bianca supports us in the area of pensions; she drafts policy documents, prepares memos for the board and writes the preliminary documents for board meetings.”

Proactive and experienced

Chrisje likes the collaboration. “The personal assistants are very experienced. You do not need to give them many instructions to get them started. That is very refreshing. When we hire someone, it is, of course, already busy. So, it is nice that someone can jump in right away and, rather than waiting, acts very proactively.”

Various activities

Marlon supports ABB at a secretarial level. She tells us about her experiences: “Together with Banca, I ended up in a small team at ABB. The collaboration with these colleagues is enjoyable and my work is very diverse. I take care of agenda planning and preparing documents for meetings. I also keep a financial overview and set up the SharePoint environment. I enjoyed organising an online election the most.”

PA of added value

Bianca echoes Marlon: “We were welcomed openly and warmly at ABB. The work was already there. We had access to all systems from the beginning and were able to start our work immediately. Regular contact keeps the work practical and goal‑oriented. ABB has confidently incorporated us into the business. We seized the opportunity to make a real contribution with our support. The fact that the partnership has been extended, shows that we are of added value. I am happy to continue to offer that to ABB.”

Great cooperation

Chrisje would definitely recommend Emma Handson: “We have already done that for several of our clients. For the minutes in any case. It is a great partnership. If there is someone similar to ABB that also needs help, I would definitely call Emma Handson.” Are you looking for a proactive and experienced personal assistant to take your secretarial activities to the next level? Our PAs will be happy to help you, also when it comes to professional support. Contact us at, (073) 747 00 54 or click here for more information.

Algemeen Bestuursbureau voor Pensioenfondsen, or ABB for short, offers support for pension funds in all aspects. The administrative office supports administrative bodies or supplements the services of existing pension offices. This includes providing insight into the pension sector. ABB specialises in pension administration and assists with the preparation, implementation and monitoring of pension funds. In ...

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