Many functions are constantly changing. In particular, the role of the secretariat, management support and (executive) secretaries is experiencing considerable change. It will remain this way for the foreseeable future. After all, advice and consultancy is no unnecessary luxury.
Emma Handson advises and guides organisations in dealing with and anticipating these changes. Our highly experienced consultants, with a background in the field, are uniquely capable of advising, guiding and supporting organisations of any size.

Way of working
Although our consultancy services are always tailor‑made – after all, no organisation is the same – there is a common theme in our approach.
First, we clearly map out the structure of your organisation and secretariat. What are the different departments and roles How do people work together? What are the underlying relationships? We systematically answer questions like these by starting an intensive research project or by working with you on the job.
After having spoken extensively with those involved, inventoried processes and after forming a crystal clear understanding of the organisation (based on factual information and experience), we can start working on our advice and developing tools to apply this advice in practice.
Reorganisation and efficiency
In some cases, reorganisation is necessary. For example, to ensure efficiency or to ensure a strong future.
Our consultants at “Emma advises” are specialised in reorganisations (on any scale) and will take you by the hand to make sure it runs as smoothly as possible. Sometimes, a reorganisation only requires a few fundamental processes, and sometimes we can achieve significant advantages by improving the entire structure of your secretariat (in consultation!).
In many consultancy projects, a revision of the job description is needed, with a lot of attention to the role of the secretariat, both now and in the future.
Emma advises
Do you want to work more efficiently? Make the most of the skills and talents of your personal assistant (PA)! We aim to help you achieve the best possible collaboration between manager and PA.
Flexible and tailor made
Every organisation is different. That is why our consultancy services are very flexible. Everything depends on your needs, the current situation and your goals. We like to work in a pragmatic and hands-on way.
We also provide customised training (virtual or on location). Think of, for example, practical training, such as “Tricks of the trade” or time management training, such as “Stop distractions and focus”. And, when more intensive training is needed, we are also happy to help. We can provide coaching and guidance for your employees in a variety of ways.
Of course, we are also flexible in terms of planning and time allocation. We do not work with pricing scales or fixed fees, but really look at your needs and how we can support them as efficiently as possible. Contact us for more information on our rates and the possibilities.